Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas

It's a quiet Christmas morning which I'm cherishing before things get busy and time-lines intrude on the day. Last night's readings and carols were set off by the choir's simple line of acclamation, "The glory of the Lord shall be revealed."

There are many awaiting that glory this morning, missing family, wondering where a family member is today, or in general trying to set aside the worry of joblessness, debt, and fear. We were reminded last night to, "Fear not" but today's special space doesn't seem to last long when it comes to worry and fear.

I wish for everyone a moment of peace like I've found this morning and time to explore God's message that comes through scripture but more so through people. I trust that in our comings and goings, visits and gift-giving, the Christ child will appear in the eyes, hands, and hearts of friends and strangers. Christ the Lord is born today! Thanks be to God.

1 comment:

RJ said...

Christmas blessings, my friend.