Monday, July 12, 2010

Behind the Curve

I'm behind in blogging. Life comes at you fast as they say and post-conference has been that way. I did rest a bit between bouts of work on Friday and Saturday. Sunday's big ecumenical service with St. Hildegard's Old Catholic Church was a success. (my perspective?) Almost everyone stayed for refreshments and the service project of bagging rice after the long service. We didn't get pictures, but that's ok too. Evidence of me doing "high" (really high) church might not be something I want on the record. ;-)

Ecumenical work is a joy tho, even as it stretches and stresses. I'm so grateful for a congregation which embraces 'the other' and loves to learn even through discomfort. So many people expressed gratitude for the teaching liturgy yesterday. It was beautiful in many ways. Some really loved it. I think there is a sense of community that comes with a full liturgy. While others didn't like being tied to the page and having responses so scripted. This Sunday will be a return to Brethren tradition, although I've promised a short sermon to go along with a 10 minute Annual Conference report by our delegate.

Today's 'work' is a drive to Charlottesville and the return for a Nurture Commission meeting this evening.

1 comment:

Terri said...

I know that some don't like to be tied to the page and the responses...but that is what I am soooo used too...of course I like to mix it up four or five times a year so its not always the same.

Glad all went well for you!