Thursday, May 29, 2008

Almighty? Noah vs Evan

Noah is quite a different person than Evan and it is a different world. We do longer live on a flat plain surrounded by waters above and below. We no longer live on a piece of dry land with water at all edges. We are 'enlightened' and have seen the earth from space and know it is a beautiful blue, white, green and brown ball spinning at 1,000 miles an hour at the equator. This ball travels around the sun at 66,600 miles an hour. I find it incredible that we even know this. How far we have come since the time of arks made of wood and pitch.

But this week I listened to NPR 's story about supervisors who covered up risky bank loans.
The story left such a 'bad taste in my mouth' that I thought, perhaps God should just cover the earth with water again and humanity should start anew. My next thought was, "We are doing that too, with global warming we may flood ourselves our of existent as the polar caps melt." Is destruction, whether human or divine, really what this week's lectionary texts are about?

The Psalm provides a different view.
"Into your hand I commit my spirit; you have redeemed me. O LORD, faithful God." Psalm 33:5

Holly Hearon in Proclamation writes, "Despite depths of despair, the psalmist rejoices in the surety of God's presence." I cannot begin to imagine how to grab hold of such surety if my house was devastated by tornado, earthquake or flood. I do believe that with God, any attempt to trust is met with more than enough surety on God's part to make up for my own lack. I like to think that is why Jesus quoted this passage from the cross. Perhaps we have to get to the place where there is nothing else in which to trust, to let go and let God. I believe if we turn and trust, and "commit" that the One in whom we trust is faithful.

We must also try to look beyond ourselves and remember that God is concerned with all, make that ALL, creation. Kate Huey reminds us of this in the UCC lectionary reflection for the week.

While I am concerned about my family, house, and property, God is too, but the great Creator cares for far more than just me. Perhaps that perspective is as eye-opening than the view of earth from space. Yes, God is a faithful God, steadfast, hesed, and this means I'm included in a vast creation for which the Almighty cares. Answers to the 'why' of disaster? No, just trust in that to which I commit my ALL. (picture thanks to NASA)

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