Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Cleaning Day

Today is one of those spring days where cleaning is a priority. Well, after enjoying a slower than normal morning - that is. There is something refreshing about cleaning, even though it is far from my favorite work. I wonder how I might apply cleaning to some of the 'dustier' aspects of my life?
Could I 'clean' out the junk food from my eating and the fat grams from my meals?
Could I 'clean' out the needless administrative tasks that take office time and sweep down to the essentials to leave more time for people?
Could I 'clean' out the cobwebs in my head that allow procrastinating to reign and keep me from being my most productive?

Or is there such a comfort in a little dust in the corner that it feels more like home when dust bunnies are around? hmmm, I'm not sure but I shall contemplate the finer details of a 'clean' life as I vacuum and dust and hopefully get to mop up the floors after the rain stops.

A friend used to tell me there are always lessons to be learned from life if we take time to pay attention. Today is 'pay-attention' day and procrastinate on the computer no longer. :-)

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