Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Excited By The Spirit

Will the Holy Spirit show up Sunday? I can usually tell the Spirit is at work when everything comes together, almost surprisingly. But after spending time the last few week reviewing Acts texts. (I do love that book.) I think everything coming together is an unlikely sign of the spirit. Separated people come together, yes, but when the Spirit first shows up, things fly apart a bit. At least our sense of things and the way it 'should' be.

I'm excited about this week because the three congregations that meet in our church building are coming together to worship. We'll have Spanish, Cambodian and English portions of the service. We'll read Psalms together but each verse will be in a different language. We'll sing together and teach each other songs. We'll listen to choirs and the three preachers will preach on Acts 2 in their own language. It will be a learning experience for some of us to be the ones sitting without understanding.

I'm hoping we will feel the Spirit's presence moving. I'm hoping many of the children will come back to have VBS together this summer. I'm hoping there will be a movement to get signs for the other congregations up on our property. (With our without county approval.) I'm hoping that there will be more coming together than flying apart. Maybe I'm hoping to be surprised by the Spirit.

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