Friday, August 9, 2013

New Flora (Stomach)

I want new stomach flora! Whenever I read about the testing on different stomach flora for thinner and heavier people (and rats, where most tests are done) I want new flora! So my latest kick is pro-biotics. I not only take a supplement, I'm drinking Kefir. I really like it, although I am drinking commercial fruit smoothie versions.
I would like to make my own Kefir and hope to find someone or someplace to get the grains!

It's a different kind of 'reviving' than I usually talk about since that is our monthly theme at church. But maybe there is some correlation. I can put in the 'new' but need to do something to get rid of the 'old'. Eating right is the discipline, but not just 'right' because it means I can eat almost no carbs. (sigh) and that becomes a problem when I want to CHEW something or put my hummus on something besides carrots. Ah well, perhaps this reviving is a slower process than I'd like. It is also taking extra effort to work out because the gym (TJ) is closed for the month due to the County Fair. Oh and did I mention it's hot again? So for all the excuses, and the workouts that I continue to do, and the golf, and the restricted diet, and the kefir, has anything changed? 
 I guess I need to be a rat and get my stomach tested to find out.
 I find it difficult not to sing the Smashing Pumpkins. (...rat in a cage...)

Back to work.

1 comment:

Terri said...

Oh Keifer is so very good for us! I love it too. I have been eating at least a cup of yogurt or taking a probiotic supplement daily for about seven years.

I have also, recently, stopped eating most carbs and instead eating a lot of protein, fruit, veggies, and almonds. I stopped consuming most half and half and use almond milk in my coffee. I actually do feel better - clearer head, better stomach, and less tired. SO - good for you! Keep it up!!