Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The Greatest Story

The Christmas story is the 'greatest ever'. So tonight we will tell it, listening to it from each character's perspective and singing all the additional pieces authors have imagined over the years. Tonight we will hear and see the characters that inhabit the ancient town of Bethlehem. We will feel the cold night air outside of town and be surprised by the voices of angels. Tonight we will look on the child with the same wonder as his parents first did as we enter the story as if for the first time.
Joseph is a righteous man. Perhaps it was his sense of God’s supreme justice and working in the world that allowed to trust his dream and obey.
Mary said “yes” to God’s messenger despite all the improbability of Gabriel’s words. Despite all the unreality of what was being promised. Despite all the odds that were against anyone believing her, she said ‘yes’.
Was Elizabeth surprised to see Mary? How she must have felt to have a companion to share her story and her pregnancy. How wonderful to know it was all really about to happen.
THE MOMENT COMES – All the waiting, the fears and anticipation, the wondering and the traveling have brought Mary and Joseph to this night. For every parent the moment of birth comes and is surprising, remarkable, scary, and wonderful all wrapped up in one. This is the night we celebrate with song.
Angels, no matter where we think we’ve spotted angels, a heavenly host singing glory to God is, well, incredible. What would you do if they hovered over you…tonight?
Surprised, blinded, wondering what just happened? All these things are likely what the shepherds experienced but instead of sitting around the fire and talking about it, they WENT, they went to see for themselves. Travel with them tonight.

May you be blessed in your services, your travel and in your celebration. Glory to God in the Highest and on Earth PEACE!

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