Monday, January 26, 2015

A whirlwind; like a 'blizzard' of the soul?

The last month has really tried my soul. I know many other pastors have faced days and weeks like these, but this is the worse I have had... and yet at the same time, it has held some of the absolute best. Even as I reachws and went past my ability to cope with rising situations of pastoral care ( a generic term that doesn't begin to cover everything that has happened.) I was met with congregational members stepping up to preach when I lost my voice, planning worship when I was out of time, taking over Sunday School when my 'well' was dry and time was gone. People - these ACOB people! - have been amazing. They - God within them - restores my soul.

So I haven't posted and will try to be more faithful about posting, but I am truly blessed to be part of a great congregation. You can see the blog for sermons and events. I think it's time that this blog returned to reflections on scripture and ministry.


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