Monday, November 4, 2013

All Saints and New iPad Air!

All Saints Sunday and the new iPad Air have only ME in common. I used my new iPad on Sunday using the Keynote Remote and Keynote presenter notes for the entire 'sermon'. I'd only used it on my phone before and it didn't work well. previously the WIFI signal kept dropping and the notes were too small to see. BUT, on the iPad, the note were bigger and the new iPad's WIFI reception is far superior to anything I've seen. It was great to be able to hold (so very light!) the iPad AND swipe the screens to change.

I still have a lot to get used to preaching only from notes like that. AND this service was mostly questions, but it was fun. I've tried to make a Quicktime movie of the whole presentation. I think the pictures are mostly open source and I apologize if I have one that 'belongs' to you.


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