Monday, November 26, 2018

The Retired Life For Me

Just found the following post that didn’t post... I need to be looking at Advent II now, for a preaching Sunday at the Washington City COB. I will likely preach occasionally at Bethel UCC in 2019. I haven’t wanted to preach there since they moved into the building with ACOB. But that time will come and I will scoot out as soon as I’m done. I am happy to lead worship without the responsibility of being a lead pastor. As many of my colleagues would tell you, there is a major difference in the ‘weight’ of being a pastor that has been lifted from my shoulders. Now I am responsible for child care for my granddaughter weekdays. And I’m loving it! Just found a calendar from my daughter’s first year that has all her milestones in it, ear infections, and notes. What fun to compare. From October, 2018 My retired life has me (us- wi h hubby, thankfully) spending long lovely days caring for our grandchild while parents are at work. It will either wear us out or keep us young. I’m hoping for the later. A few preaching invites come my way. I’m not anxious to preach but enjoy the not too often opportunity. So, this morning, looking ahead I reviewed the texts for October 7. Whew, it’s the kind of week I used to look at and consider taking the week off! The congregation where I will supply preach doesn’t demand lectionary adherence so I have an out that way. What do you do when you read the texts and groan? Preach on divorce? Tackle the creation story from Genesis 2? Explain the high and lofty language of Hebrews opener with its theology? Commiserate with Job as God lturns over” control to the devil

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

In Need of Pentecost

I posted this on Facebook, but it is one of which I need reminding.
The joy of Pentecost is that it gives us a vision and hope for a community made possible through the work of the Spirit. This miracle involves being open to the shocking and surprising ways of the Spirit, which empowers us to reach across differences in order to experience radical and insurgent communions.”

I am as partisan as anyone and it is hard to be accepting of those with whom I RADICALLY disagree on almost everything. AND yet, that is where the Spirit does its work, in me!


Sunday, May 13, 2018

Sundays in retirement

I’m missing church. AND I’m giving into fear.
I’m still on crutches and I fell early on due to water on the floor. So when it’s raining or snowing, I don’t go out unless I have a doctor’s appointment that I can’t reschedule. So I missed church because I’m afraid of water while on one leg.

The good news, after tomorrow, I get to start putting weight on my leg while locked VERY straight in my leg brace and still using crutches. But it’s something! Means I can do more than grind the coffee in the kitchen. At least a little more. And my withered right leg should show some muscle improvement, also slowly. I’m sure it will be sore too.

So on Sunday, what do I do, I usually turn to the Christian Century magazine. But today I went to a few web sites for churches, christian communities, and speakers I know of. My favorite is
Brian Zahand
His explanation and critique of ‘atonement theories’ is simple and eloquent. It’s a favorite study topic of mine. When I first began at Arlington COB, I challenged people not to say, “Christ died for my sins.” Unless they could explain it, or cite the atonement theory they were using. The sad part is it silenced people all together. But hopefully made them start thinking about what they were saying. Brian does a great job and he is also a super follow on Twitter.

On the other hand, I visited Bruxy Cavy’s site at “The Meeting House” and found his teaching not to my liking.

 I have heard Bruxy speak in person and really enjoy his powerful yet humble voice. I’ve asked him questions about his organizational plan for the Meeting House and admire the discipleship plan they use, placing higher priority on the small group weekly meeting in homes over the weekly attendance at worship (including satellite sites that project his sermon and worship.) 

In my mind, there is room for alternative ways to God. I have just found the Jesus way to be the ‘best’ from my perspective. Therefore, I encourage others to try it. While I recognize and enjoy the focus on peace and justice that many paths share. 

So what do you think? Do you have time to click on those links and do some quick reading? Neither is long. I’d love to hear your opinion. Not that I expect I have any readers after months of not posting. Perhaps I can get back to preparing something on weekly texts, but I think it will be mid-June before I have enough time to do so. Sad but true. Or maybe I just need to prioritize better. 

Meanwhile, I will soon upload a picture of the joy of my days lately. (After google pictures finished backing up my images for the last 10 years!)


Monday, April 2, 2018


While I have much to tell about my ski sabbatical that will update my current status Re:knee, this article should be read by all, clergy and lay. So bookmark if is you can for a cup of coffee and some consideration about the way we drive ourselves to work.

I found it in an Alban newsletter which I also highly recommend.

Until later, (after physical therapy...)